A blue 4x4 raised up and being cleaned with a high pressure hose.

Underbody car wash

Not your average underbody car wash.

Built by Brisbane’s premium detailers who love beach life

We put your car on our full access 4.5T hoist and perform a detailer worthy underbody wash using a commercial grade 90° hot water pressure washer. We have tested and sourced the best chemicals available to get your underbody proper clean. Cleaning foams and chassis flush with our 6 stage filtered water literally strip all the nasty salt and sand from every nook and cranny. 

  • Full salt dissolver pre-spray followed by underbody cleaner.
  • Undercarriage and suspension, wheel arches are scrubbed
  • Hot water 90° pressure wash of underbody including, suspension, arches, brakes, rock sliders and chassis rails. Hot water will dissolve more salt and grime without the need for harsh chemicals.
  • Car is moved from underbody section to wash bay for rinse to remove any loose sand and dirt before we wash exterior.
  • Full one hour of undercarriage cleaning included not applicable for mud vehicles
  • Mud vehicles are charged at an hourly rate of $120 ph

Scrubs Holiday Hours

DatesWorkshop -Sales TeamOnline quotes + Gift Certs
Mon Dec 23ClosedOpen24/7
Tuesday Dec 24ClosedOpen24/7
Weds Dec 25ClosedClosed24/7
Thurs Dec 26ClosedClosed24/7
Friday Dec 27ClosedOpen24/7
Mon Dec 30ClosedOpen24/7
Tuesday Dec 31ClosedOpen24/7
Weds Jan 1stClosedClosed24/7
Thurs Jan 2ndClosedOpen24/7
Friday Jan 3rdClosedOpen24/7
Mon 6thOpen as usualOpen as usual24/7